Place An Order and/or Make A Donation Here: Quantity / Selection Unit Price (USD)

This page is for placing an order that will go to an address in the United States. If you wish to place an order to be shipped to a country other than the USA, please visit our website. Alternatively, send us a letter (P.O. Box 439, Front Royal, VA 22630-0009 USA) for details on how to proceed.

A checked box to the right indicates the person placing an order certifies he/she has read and agrees to the terms of Placing An Order on LDI's website. If you have not read this important information, please do so before continuing.

There are no postage/handling charges. There is no sales tax. There is a minimum order amount of $5.00

Orders are usually mailed within ten days, but please allow up to six weeks. If release of new or updated material is imminent, we will hold your order so you may receive the most up-to-date information available. (If you do not want to wait for the new material, we will send the current version.) 

If for any reason your order cannot be processed and/or we must contact you for any (important) reason, we will do so by email. Phone numbers are used as a last resort. If you need to contact us, please do so at

Persons placing an order pledge to contact LDI if there is a problem rather than your credit card company. This allows us an opportunity to check the status of your order. Requests that we return your gift will be honored if the ordered material has not yet been mailed. 

Everything published by LDI include only 100 percent accurate information, all of which used in proper context. The bottom line: If we print it, you can count on it.

Every word of The Boycott Handbook — absolutely every word — is reviewed, verified and verified again before a new edition is released. (We reject the idea that misleading or lying is ''acceptable'' if done with the intent to advance the pro-life cause. In the long run, doing so will greatly damage the Pro-Life Movement. Moreover, it is just plain wrong.)

Note: A complimentary list of boycott targets consisting exclusively of the names of parent corporations is available by sending an email to
$ 0.00

This section is applicable if you are BECOMING A PARTNER for the first time or your PARTNERSHIP EXPIRED more than three months ago. If you are renewing a Partnership, please scroll to Section II (below).

includes (all sent via the U.S. Postal  Service):

• the most recently released edition of The Boycott Handbook 
• the most recently released edition of the Checkbook List  
• future editions of The Boycott Handbook as they are released 
• future editions of the Checkbook List as they are released (two minimum) 
• a suggested Letter-Writing Schedule, so you may be part of a strategic and coordinated plan when contacting corporate officials 
The Caleb Report (bimonthly newsletter).

You also qualify to receive:

• a substantial discount on additional copies of The Boycott Handbook. The discount applies regardless of the way they are ordered — independently (Section IIIa below) or through the preorder system (Section IIIb below); and 
• notification of updates to The Boycott Handbook virtually immediately via our email service.
$ 45.00

This section is applicable if you are BECOMING A PARTNER for the first time or if your PARTNERSHIP EXPIRED over three months ago. If you are renewing a Partnership, please scroll to Section II (below).


• the most recently released edition of The Boycott Handbook (via the Postal Service) 
• the most recently released edition of the Checkbook List (via the Postal Service)
• future editions of The Boycott Handbook as they are released (two minimum; via the Postal Service)    
• future editions of the Checkbook List as they are released (two minimum; via the Postal Service)
• a suggested Letter-Writing Schedule, so you may be part of a strategic and coordinated plan when contacting corporate officials (via the Postal Service and/or email) 
The Caleb Report (bimonthly newsletter; via email).

You also qualify to receive:

• a substantial discount on additional copies of The Boycott Handbook. The discount applies regardless of the way they are ordered — independently (Section IIIa below) or through the preorder system (Section IIIb below) 
• notification of updates to The Boycott Handbook virtually immediately via our email service.
$ 35.00

This section is applicable if you are an LDI PARTNER who is RENEWING the annual Partnership. If you are ordering a new Partnership, please scroll to Section I (above).

includes (all sent via the U.S. Postal Service):

• the most recently released edition of The Boycott Handbook 
• the most recently released edition of the Checkbook List  
• future editions of The Boycott Handbook as they are released 
• future editions of the Checkbook List as they are released (two minimum) 
• a suggested Letter-Writing Schedule, so you may be part of a strategic and coordinated plan when contacting corporate officials 
The Caleb Report (bimonthly newsletter).

You also qualify to receive:

• a substantial discount on additional copies of The Boycott Handbook. The discount applies regardless of the way they are ordered — independently (Section IIIa below) or through the preorder system (Section IIIb below); and 
• notification of updates to The Boycott Handbook virtually immediately via our email service.
$ 45.00

This section is applicable if you are an LDI PARTNER who is RENEWING the annual Partnership. If you are ordering a new Partnership, please scroll to Section I (above).


• the most recently released edition of The Boycott Handbook (via the Postal Service) 
• the most recently released edition of the Checkbook List (via the Postal Service)
• future editions of The Boycott Handbook as they are released (two minimum; via the Postal Service)    
• future editions of the Checkbook List as they are released (two minimum; via the Postal Service)
• a suggested Letter-Writing Schedule, so you may be part of a strategic and coordinated plan when contacting corporate officials (via the Postal Service and/or email) 
The Caleb Report (bimonthly newsletter; via email).

You also qualify to receive:

• a substantial discount on additional copies of The Boycott Handbook. The discount applies regardless of the way they are ordered — independently (Section IIIa below) or through the preorder system (Section IIIb below) 
• notification of updates to The Boycott Handbook virtually immediately via our email service.
$ 35.00

This section is applicable to PARTNERS (New/Renewing/Current). Non-Partners please scroll to Section IVa (below).


the most recently released edition of The Boycott Handbook 
the most recently released edition of the Checkbook List 

Quantity Ordering (shipped to the same address)

1 - 10 at $3.75 each
11 - 25 at $3.55 each 
26 - 50 at $3.35 each 
51 - 100 at $3.15 each 
101 or more at $3.00 each
$ 3.75

This section is applicable to PARTNERS (New/Renewing/Current). Non-Partners please scroll to Section IVa (below).

preorder upcoming Boycott Handbooks, beginning with the next released edition. The preorder applies to at least two upcoming Boycott Handbooks. (To order the current edition of The Boycott Handbook, please see Section IIIa above.) 


the most recently released edition of The Boycott Handbook 
• the most recently released edition of the Checkbook List
$ 5.75

This section is applicable to NON-PARTNERS. LDI Partners (New/Renewing/Current) please scroll to Section III (above).


the most up-to-date edition of The Boycott Handbook, which includes products/services, corporate contact information, and other data that will empower you to act. In addition, one section of The Boycott Handbook identifies charities involved in and/or supporting of the Culture of Death 
• the most up-to-date edition of the Checkbook List, which allows you to keep a handy abbreviated version of The Boycott Handbook with you when you go shopping and so forth

Additional copies of The Boycott Handbook may be ordered at a substantially reduced cost in Section IVb (below).
$ 17.75

This section is applicable to NON-PARTNERS. USE SECTION IVa FIRST (above). LDI Partners (New/Renewing/Current) please scroll to Section III (above).


the most recently released edition of The Boycott Handbook 
the most recently released edition of the Checkbook List

Quantity Ordering (shipped to the same address)

at $5.50
- 10 at $5.00 each
11 - 20 at $4.50 each
21 - 30 at $4.25 each
31 - 45 at $4.00 each
46 - 75 at $3.75 each
76 - 100 at $3.50 each
101 or more at $3.25 each
$ 5.50

On a limited budget or can get along with less information? Available via email, we now offer the List of Boycott Targets.


• a limited version of the most up-to-date Boycott Handbook
• a list of key products/services offered
• corporate contacts details
• a list of key subsidiaries of each corporation (where applicable)

Does NOT include:

the Checkbook List
• list of nonprofit (charitable) organizations that, in one way or another, are aiding the Culture of Death
• a complete list of products/services offered by each corporation
• a complete list of subsidiaries of each corporation (where applicable)
• an index system allowing faster access to specific corporations/business categories
• quantity discounts on The Boycott Handbook 
• strategic advice and direction (Letter-Writing Schedule, etc.) 
• notification of changes/updates
$ 9.25
VIa. BROCHURE: Stalking Every Community
Planned Parenthood: Stalking Every Community is a full-color brochure that outlines Planned Parenthood’s mission, failed programs, efforts to influence young people, opposition to abstinence-based education, and much more.

Planned Parenthood: Stalking Every Community includes basic facts about Planned Parenthood, including financial information and the extent of its abortion empire.

Planned Parenthood: Stalking Every Community is an excellent introduction to the Planned Parenthood empire. We want to get it into as many hands as possible. Therefore, the brochure is offered at a very low rate of 15 cents each, when at least 300 are ordered.

Planned Parenthood: Stalking Every Community is appropriate for all audiences.

Space is provided for a local organization to stamp contact information.

Quantity Ordering (shipped to the same address)

1 at $1.05
2 - 4 at 85¢ each
5 - 10 at 70¢ each
11 - 20 at 55¢ each
21 - 30 at 45¢ each
31 - 60 at 30¢ each
61 - 99 at 25¢ each
100 - 199 at 20¢ each
200 - 299 at 15¢ each
300 or more at 10¢ each

NOTE: A new edition of Planned Parenthood: Stalking Every Community is scheduled for release on or about March 31, 2020. To ensure you receive the most up-to-date material available, your order will be held until the new publication has been released. However, if you have ordered material other than or in addition to brochures, it will be sent under the regular schedule. The brochure(s) will be sent as soon as available. Thank you for your understanding, patience and support. Blessings!
$ 1.05
VIb. BROCHURE: On The Record

On The Record: The Philosophy Of Planned Parenthood* is a brochure that consists of quotations from Planned Parenthood advertising, leaders, publications, and so forth. Every word is guaranteed accurate and used in context.

On The Record: The Philosophy Of Planned Parenthood includes several areas of interest, including Planned Parenthood’s philosophy on: youth, parents, premarital sex, marriage, abortion, birth control, babies, pregnancy, religion, pregnancy help centers, social engineering, and more. There is also a special section on the words of Margaret Higgins Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood.

Space is provided for a local organization to stamp contact information.

Quantity Ordering (shipped to the same address)

1 at $1.20
2 - 4 at 95¢ each
5 - 10 at 75¢ each
11 - 20 at 60¢ each
21 - 30 at 45¢ each
31 - 60 at 35¢ each
61 - 99 at 30¢ each
100 - 199 at 25¢ each
200 - 299 at 20¢ each
300 or more at 15¢ each

*Adults should review this brochure before making available to minors.

NOTE: A new edition of On The Record: The Philosophy Of Planned Parenthood is scheduled for release on or about March 31, 2020. To ensure you receive the most up-to-date material available, your order will be held until the new publication has been released. However, if you have ordered material other than or in addition to brochures, it will be sent under the regular schedule. The brochure(s) will be sent as soon as available. Thank you for your understanding, patience and support. Blessings!
$ 1.20
VII. SPECIAL GIFT to Support LDI's Work

Of the less than $70,000 that is usually our annual budget, only about $30,000 comes from orders for materials. We depend upon the kindness and generosity of those who believe, as we do, Planned Parenthood must never go unchallenged. LDI offers a unique, important and EFFECTIVE opportunity for all who care about human life to actively participate.

Please prayerfully consider making a special, general donation. This section may be used to give a gift whether you have ordered material or not and in any amount.

Please check the box to the right and enter the amount you wish to donate.
